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Clenergy Recognised as a ‘Top Brand PV UK Seal 2023’ by EUPD Research

Clenergy, a leading provider of innovative solar mounting solutions, is thrilled to announce the receipt of the prestigious ‘Top Brand PV UK Seal 2023’. This esteemed certification, widely recognised as a hallmark of excellence in the global PV industry, underscores Clenergy’s commitment to excellence and innovation.

The accolade, awarded by EUPD Research, a prominent institution in high-quality market research and solar industry certifications, reinforces Clenergy’s position as an industry leader.

The certification process involved in-depth surveys involving British PV installers, ensuring that this recognition is grounded in the voice of industry experts. With 95 participating installation companies in this year’s PV InstallerMonitor 2022/2023 UK survey, the seal’s significance is undeniably profound, reflecting market sentiment and installer preferences.

“The Top Brand Seal is a beacon of trust and reliability when installers are looking for new brands. More and more manufacturers are expanding into the European market. We are delighted to see that Clenergy is benefitting from their dominant position in the Australian market and already making an impact with the UK installers,” said Markus A.W. Hoehner, CEO and Founder of EUPD Research. “We congratulate Clenergy and the team on the Top Brand PV Seal 2023 for the UK and are anxious to see how the European business will develop from here on.”

Clenergy’s exceptional performance across key dimensions was pivotal in securing this honour. From unaided brand awareness to the breadth and depth of distribution, as well as the Net Promoter Score, Clenergy demonstrated remarkable prowess in catering to installer requirements.  According to the EUPD benchmark, Clenergy stood out as one of the select few that met the criteria for earning the seal in the mounting structures category.

Daniel Hong, CEO of Clenergy, expressed his excitement, “Receiving the Top Brand PV Seal 2023 for the UK is a moment of great pride for us. It recognises the collective efforts and unwavering dedication of the entire Clenergy team. This achievement aligns seamlessly with our mission to extend our influence within the European solar PV market and promote sustainable energy solutions on a global scale.”


About Clenergy
Founded in Melbourne, Australia, with offices and factories across China, Japan, the Philippines, Thailand and Germany, Clenergy is an enabler for governments, the public sector & enterprises seeking carbon neutrality. We believe in a sustainable, clean energy-powered future. We continue to reinvent our approach and innovate through our technology and service to reach this mission.

For more information, please contact:

Samir Jacob
Global Marketing Manager
Phone: +61 3 9239 8088 Ext. 180
Mobile: +61 414 303 093
Email: [email protected]